Addressee checks for packages on the pick up list located here on the A&A Intranet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sSr8mByTvOsboSzp1EfmrPFihC93OZTptIX0HUs8HnQ/edit#gid=0
Ask the recipient if they know how to sign out a package. If not, go in with them and walk them through the process. You need to know what they are picking up to correct the tracking sheet and move the item to “picked up.”
When the recipient comes to pick up the package, they need to check that what is in their package aligns with the packing slip
If everything is there, then they can sign the packing slip acknowledging they picked up the item(s) both on the packing slip and on the package sign out sheet on the clipboard.
After item is picked up, place the signed packing slip into the labeled tray.
Packing Slip Process
[Work in progress]In order to reconcile our transactions, the signed packing slips must be matched with their purchase orders.
Collect signed packing slips from package room.
Scan slips to your email.
Match where the packing slip should go in the department’s 2024 Purchasing folder.
The folders are organized by PI. You may have to reference the A&A Purchasing spreadsheet to determine which PI the addressee ordered from (i.e. Student A’s PI is Dr. B, so Student A’s orders will be in Dr. B’s folder).
The files are named with the order amount first. This amount does not always match what is on the packing slip (i.e. with partial shipments). Refer to the A&A Purchasing spreadsheet or the aerobuy@uw.edu email inbox to help determine which order the packing slip should go with. You can also refer to the Purchase Form, PI Approval, or Receipt that should already be in the folder.
Upload the file as a .pdf to the correct folder using the same naming convention (i.e. $90.99 Amazon Packing Slip).
Go to the A&A Purchasing spreadsheet and put a 'Y' in the Packing Slip Scanned column.
Place the scanned packing slip in the labeled file folder in the package room desk drawer.
Some packing slips seemingly have no order to match with. Set these aside and check with Jordan on how to proceed.
Outgoing mail/packages
Regular Letters