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Please check the following details to make sure everything is correct and reply to this email confirming the details.

Meeting Name:



Room Reserved:


  • Verify that selected room is available in google calendar

    • Create event

    • Enter the meeting title

    • Double check that ALL dates in the booking are available.  

    • Make sure the meeting length is no longer than 1.5 hours.  If the requestor is requesting a longer meeting, get approval from Kim or Rachel first.

    • Double check that the correct room is selected.

    • Add requestor as a guest

    • Put the requestor’s name and email in the meeting notes.

  • Send a confirmation to the requestor.  If this is a student request, copy the faculty/staff sponsor.


Please check the following details to make sure everything is correct and reply to this email confirming the details.

Meeting Name:

Date: <<list all dates>>
