Key Code: 2219354#
Currently, only those in the GUG 211 Suite (and Sean) should have access to the safe combination-- ask one of them if you need something from the safe.
The Administrator and Assistant to the
Chair also have keys to the safe in their office (pry off teardrop-shaped cover between keypad and handle)
Bottom Shelf:
AERB Conference Room 120
Guggenheim Master Key
Assorted Key Box
key to key cabinet
key to GUG 309 Kitchen
key to mailbox
miscellaneous keys for furniture/cabinets
-Rolling Cabinet Keys
Breezeway Table Tethers
Miscellaneous Keys
Batch Keys
Top Shelf:
Yellow box: Blank CAAMS Cards
Clear box: Miscellaneous Keys + Department Keys
White box: Departmental Lock and Keys for student lockers
Blue box: More Department Keys.
Check/Safe Inventory spreadsheet