Key Code: 2219354#Currently, only those in the GUG 211 Suite (and Sean) should have access to the safe combination-- ask one of them if you need something from the safe.
The Administrator and Assistant to the Chair Chair also have keys to the safe in their office (pry off teardrop-shaped cover between keypad and handle)
Bottom Shelf:
Keys -
Master CAAMS Card
GUG Master
AERB Master
Key Cabinet
Locker Master
Other -
Checks / Check Log
iPhone, AirPods, Apple Pencil, and an AirTag.
Top Shelf:
Large Clear Box: Locks and Keys for Student Lockers, Breezeway Table Tethers, Miscellaneous Keys, Old Gas Shed Key
Yellow Box: Blank CAAMS Cards
Purple Box: AERB Keys
Clear Box: Unlabeled Miscellaneous Keys
Clear Box 2: Department Keys 1 (Department Storage)
Blue Box: Department Keys 2 (Miscellaneous Department Keys)
“Keys for Sean” Folder.
Check/Safe Inventory spreadsheet