Currently, only those in the GUG 211 Suite (and Sean) should have access to the safe combination-- ask one of them if you need something from the safe.
The Administrator and Assistant to the Chair also have keys to the safe in their office (pry off teardrop-shaped cover between keypad and handle).
Bottom Shelf:
Keys -
Master CAAMS Card
GUG Master
AERB Master
Key Cabinet
Locker Master
Other -
Checks / Check Log
iPhone, AirPods, Apple Pencil, and an AirTag.
Top Shelf:
Large Clear Box: Locks and Keys for Student Lockers, Breezeway Table Tethers, Miscellaneous Keys, Old Gas Shed Key
Yellow Box: Blank CAAMS Cards
Purple Box: AERB Keys
Clear Box: Unlabeled Miscellaneous Keys
Clear Box 2: Department Keys 1 (Department Storage)
Blue Box: Department Keys 2 (Miscellaneous Department Keys)