Office Storage & Setup
General Storage
Most Space Grant and NESSP supplies are housed in AERB 241. Space Grant/NESSP purchased laptops are located in locked cabinet in the main AERB 241 office space. (Laptop and loan Inventory sheet can be found here). The Gugg 211 office has an extra copy of the cabinet key.
Additional supplies are stored in the following locations:
Engineering library bottom floor (keys in laptop cabinet)
Guggenheim outdoor annexes (contain bike pumps, bows and arrows)
AERB 104 (see Flammables section below)
Flammables Storage
Rocket motors are currently stored in AERB 104 in two flammables cabinets. Mary Denmon currently has CAAMS access to this space. Any additional motors should be stored here. Other combustible materials should be discussed with A&A Facilities for proper storage.
AERB 241 on doors and Guggenheim 211
Office Occupants
AERB 241A: Eli Heller
AERB 241B: Khalid Mohamed
AERB 241C: Chris Wallish
AERB 241D:
AERB 241E: Sonia Bill and Liz Lee
AERB 241F: Beth Hacker