Basic How-To Guide
Copying and pasting directly from another document should preserve most formatting.
To add line breaks, simply type /line
I suggest adding a line break between every section for better readability.
To add tables, type /table and a 3x3 table will be added to the page. You can select a column and click the X above it to delete it. The number of rows will automatically adjust if you paste from another table with more than 3 rows, or you can delete extraneous rows by selecting a row and clicking the X next to it to delete it.
Formatting styles (header 1/2/3/etc) will automatically add spacing that suits the style
If pasting something with images, the images may break when pasted alongside text. If you only copy/paste the image itself, it should stay truer to the original formatting and remain more legible.
Images will automatically be centered on the page
[Subject of How-To] (Heading 2)
General Information: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque hendrerit lectus sit amet pharetra placerat. Donec vel urna eget sem ullamcorper sagittis. Morbi tincidunt a erat eget dapibus. Donec at finibus metus. Nullam gravida luctus rutrum. Suspendisse nisi lacus, mattis sed enim volutpat, sollicitudin ultricies odio. Sed consequat vel eros id dapibus. Nullam vitae consectetur magna, vitae fermentum tortor. Etiam tempor fringilla mi at varius. Suspendisse fermentum erat id blandit faucibus.
General Info
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Sed lobortis ex id arcu fermentum, nec ullamcorper est ornare.
Phasellus fringilla diam vel lectus tristique maximus.
Table Header | Table Header |
Content of Table | Suggestion: table of contents/overview of tutorial |
You can also type /table of contents | (Shown below - it is based off the headers of the page) |
[Part 1: Tutorial for ____] (Heading 3)
Instructions for a specific part of the tutorial.
Nullam ultricies est justo, in luctus ante dapibus eget. Cras semper mauris porttitor auctor malesuada. Fusce pretium dui elit, eu iaculis purus lacinia et. Aliquam convallis magna maximus lacus tempor, quis egestas turpis egestas. Fusce venenatis quis ante ut hendrerit. Curabitur ac tortor volutpat, sodales justo quis, rhoncus lacus. Sed at sagittis arcu, a aliquam enim. Ut imperdiet nec metus a sollicitudin. Donec eget urna urna. Cras mollis eget purus tempus ornare. Curabitur rutrum ante ac orci tincidunt, at eleifend risus dignissim. Morbi vel posuere quam. Quisque tristique arcu vel nunc sodales malesuada.
List of steps
Pellentesque maximus risus vitae viverra fringilla.
Aenean id ipsum sit amet tellus luctus commodo.
Duis at sapien sit amet massa ullamcorper sollicitudin efficitur eu leo.
[Part 2: Tutorial for ____] (Heading 3)
Instructions for a different section of the tutorial.
List of steps
Fusce scelerisque lacus sit amet nibh euismod facilisis.
Pellentesque laoreet erat ac est facilisis blandit.
Mauris semper velit sed odio rhoncus sollicitudin.
Pellentesque et dolor eget justo ultricies dapibus.