PhD Curriculum & Requirements

PhD Curriculum & Requirements

Registration Information

Here are the instructions on how to register: https://registrar.washington.edu/registration/resources/.

PhD Requirements

Time-to-Degree: Assuming continuous enrollment (autumn, winter, spring) and satisfactory academic performance, average time to PhD is 5.5 years.  This is highly variable, with many students finishing faster (but some deciding to take it slower).

After meeting the requirements of their specific degree pathway (1), all PhD students will complete the same series of exams and research requirements (2-6).

1. Graduate Fundamentals, MSAA, or Post-Master's "Doctoral Residency" Credits: 

The first one to two years of the PhD program will be organized based on the degree pathway a student chooses, with guidance from their research advisor. Each student will choose one of the following pathways:

  1. MSAA

    • Many students choose to complete the MSAA en route to their PhD. With appropriate planning and progress, completing an MSAA en route to a PhD does not usually extend a student's time-to-degree.

    • To pursue this option, students should plan to complete all MSAA degree requirements. PhD students completing an MSAA are encouraged to complete a master's thesis and to complete most of their MSAA coursework before taking the Qualifying Exam.

  2. Graduate Fundamentals

    • Students who do not wish to complete a master's degree en route to the PhD will complete the same graduate fundamental coursework as MSAA students. However, they will not complete a thesis and will not receive a Master's degree from our department.

    • Students are advised to refer to the pre-approved MSAA concentration courses for guidance when choosing depth courses. However, doctoral students should work directly with their faculty advisor to identify the depth coursework that is most appropriate for their field of study and research.

  3. Post-Master's Doctoral Residency Credits

    • If you enter the PhD program after previously earning a related master's degree then you may be eligible for post-master's status. You will need to submit the Petition for Post-Master's Status.

    • If your petition is approved then the Graduate Fundamental coursework is waived and you will complete a minimum of 9 doctoral residency credits before taking the Qualifying Exam. Please consult with your faculty advisor regarding which courses to take.

2. Qualifying Exam

The Qualifying exam should be taken as soon as possible after completing item 1. Students are generally expected to take the Qualifying Exam during their second year in the PhD program. Doctoral students who do not pass the qualifying exam by the end of their third year of graduate study will be subject to unsatisfactory progress policies.

3. Establish Doctoral Supervisory Committee:

Doctoral Supervisory Committees should be established as soon as possible after the Qualifying Exam. At the latest, the committee must be in place the quarter before the General Exam may be scheduled. The Chair of a student's Doctoral Supervisory Committee must hold an appointment in the A&A Department. (Adjunct faculty appointments are sufficient.) Students must notify the department's graduate program advisors as soon as they have their committee membership finalized.

Please see the Graduate School website for additional details regarding doctoral committees.

4. Doctoral Coursework: 

After successfully passing the Qualifying Exam and establishing a Supervisory Committee, PhD students must complete additional coursework (9 credits minimum) to prepare for the remainder of the PhD.

Students should consult directly with their faculty advisor to determine which courses to take. These courses should serve to prepare the student for passing the General Exam as well as developing and completing a doctoral dissertation.

5. General Exam

When ready to focus primarily on dissertation research, students must undertake (and pass) the General Examination under the supervision of their Doctoral Supervisory Committee. General Exams are to be take at least one year after the Qualifying Exam and at least one year before the Final Exam. Students must also complete a minimum of 60 credits of graduate-level work (including a minimum of 18 numerically graded 500-level credits) before a General Exam may be scheduled.

6. Dissertation: 

After passing the General Exam, students become PhD Candidates and are expected to focus primarily on completing their doctoral dissertation. While completing a dissertation, students must enroll in A A 800, "Doctoral Dissertation" (27 credits minimum). Final completion of the dissertation will require identifying a Doctoral Dissertation Reading Committee.

7. Final Exam

When a student and their committee are satisfied that the dissertation has been successfully completed, the student must schedule and pass the Final Exam. Final Exams should be scheduled at least one year after the General Exam.