The Front Desk will no longer be handling key checkout other than being the place where staff, employees or students pick up and sign for their key. Keys and access are handled by A&A Facilities. When the student comes to pick up their key they must sign the form left with the key for the Front Desk to file in the key binder.
Scan the completed Key Checkout form and file it in the Key Checkout Form folder in the facilities shared drive. After it's scanned and filed the paper form can be shredded.
Key reimbursements
When a student is asking for a key reimbursement ($20/key), collect the name and mailing address as the reimbursement is sent as a check through the mail.
Step 1 Sign in to Ariba https://finance.uw.edu/ps/how-to-buy/ariba → scroll down and click “Ariba Login”.
-> UW Box Number is 352400
Step 4 Again, fill in the required input using the guide below. After After pressing add, click “Next” when finished.