Keys / Access
The Front Desk may not check out keys to anyone.
If someone has their Husky Card but cannot get into their lab or other space, they can email to troubleshoot.
If someone does not have their Husky Card but needs access to a space, first confirm their access via:
Once you confirm their access, connect with Rachel, Sean, Noelle, or Betsy to borrow a card/key. They have access to all spaces. Or, Amy has access to some spaces.
If no one is still in the office with access to these spaces and someone needs to get into a lab ASAP, they can contact the UWPD non-emergency line (206) 685-8973.
If you cannot confirm someone should have access to a space, tell them they can email to troubleshoot.
Classrooms 204 / 218 / 220
We do not have access to these classrooms as they are not “in the department.”
The classrooms are set to automatically unlock 15 minutes before a scheduled class or event.
We can only provide more information by checking the room schedule in 25live.
Type in GUG 204 or GUG 218 or GUG 220 in the search bar
Select “Calendar” and see if their class/exam is on the calendar
Academic Technologies manages these rooms. Their phone extension is x15000.
Gas shed
The front desk no longer handles the Gas Shed key. See the intranet for Gas Shed access requests:
Keys locations
The Front Desk does not give out keys.
AERB, GUG, and Steelcase keys are kept in the key lockers in the GUG 211 copy room
The keys to these key lockers are in the main office desk safe
Key pickup
Requests for keys are sent to
Facilities provides key request form to requestor.
**Completion of the form requires an advisor or supervisor’s written approval.
Facilities prepares the key and brings it to the Front Desk/Office Manager. The request form is filed in the ‘New Key Forms’ binder.
Facilities (or Front Desk?) notifies the requestor when the key is ready to pick up from the Front Desk.
The ‘Acknowledgement’ section of the request form is filled out when the requestor picks up the key, and the form is refiled in the ‘New Key Form’ binder.
Office Manager adds the information to the Key Inventory spreadsheet.
Key return
When someone returns a key:
Office Manager finds the key request form that matches the returned key.
Office Manager writes ‘RETURNED’ and the date on the form.
Office Manager moves the key request form to the ‘Return Keys’ binder.
Office Manager updates the information in the Key Inventory spreadsheet.
Office Manager notifies Facilities that the key has been returned.
Facilities returns the key to the lock box.