Travel Grants

Travel Grants

Graduate & Professional Student Senate Travel Grants

Students whose conference participation might otherwise be unfunded, have strong academic credentials and are making fair progress towards their respective degrees are encouraged to apply. The amount of funding awarded will be based on conference location, with typical awards being up to $300 for conferences in North America and $500 for international conferences.

Graduate School Graduate Student Conference Travel Awards

The Graduate School offers up to $300 for domestic travel and $500 for international travel. Please read through all award details at the link above. Danyel must submit the funding request on your behalf. If you would like to apply, email her:

  • Your travel dates

  • Name of conference/event

  • Location of Event

  • Conference URL

  • Title of paper/poster/talk

  • Any other travel funding you have or intend to apply for

  • A PDF file of your confirmation of presentation (i.e. an email from the conference confirming your presentation)

Deadlines to apply are determined by your travel dates. Please send the above information to Danyel a week in advance to ensure a timely submission.