A&A Mailman Listservs

A&A Mailman Listservs

A&A departmental

aa-allusers@uw.edu: All users in the A&A department: faculty, staff, students, researchers, etc.

aa-faculty@uw.edu: All A&A faculty, includes emeriti with FTE. 

*Note that the list is not moderated when members use their UW.edu email addresses. Faculty using their "aa.washington.edu" emails to post to the faculty list will get a delay for moderated approval.

aa-emeritus@uw.edu: Emeriti faculty with no current FTE.

aa-fixedtermacademic@uw.edu: Current quarterly instructional faculty and ASEs.

aa-staff@uw.edu: All A&A staff including core and research staff.

aa-corestaff@uw.edu: All A&A front office, fiscal, academic lab, KWT, IT, JCATI, Shop, and WebDev staff.

aa-researchstaff@uw.edu: All permanent and temporary classified or professional staff as well as all classified non-union positions in research labs/groups.

aa-ase@uw.edu: Academic student employees including RAs, TAs, predoctoral instructors, and graders.

aa-students@uw.edu: All students in the A&A degree program, including all undergrads, grads, and MAE students.

aa-postdocs@uw.edu: All department post-docs.

aa-dei@uw.edu: Email goes to all members of A&A's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee.

A&A student sub-groups








Informal student-to-student community

aa_ugcommunity@uw.edu: Undergraduate student-to-student

aa_gradcommunity@uw.edu: Graduate student-to-student

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