• UW AA Undergraduate Student Resource Site
Welcome! This site supports current BSAAE students through their time in UW Aeronautics & Astronautics. Check here whenever you have questions about your degree, policies and procedures, or other needs that come up. Errors? Typos? Suggestions? Please send them to aeroadvising@uw.edu
Undergraduates - Student Handbook
*As we return to campus and other in-person activities, help protect yourself and your loved ones by downloading WA Notify. WA Notify is a smartphone app that lets you know when you’ve potentially been exposed to COVID-19. This tool is free, completely private, and does not track your activity or identity. Learn how to activate WA Notify at https://www.washington.edu/coronavirus/wanotify/
Need access to a laptop? Check out the UW Student Technology Loan Program!
Autumn 2022 Calendar - Events
Monday, September 26th, 9:30am Guggenheim 220: New A&A Undergraduate Student Orientation (Zoom link)
Tuesday, September 27th, Advising Open House, Guggenheim 317, 10am-2pm
Thursday October 13th (Virtual): UW Science & Engineering Business Association (SEBA) Career Fair
Tuesday, October 18th, In Person 11:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
For more career events & workshops, please visit the UW Career & Internship Calendar.
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28: First day of instruction