RSO Timeline

RSO Timeline

Autumn Quarter 

  • Weekly meeting between faculty advisor and RSO leadership 

September 1st 

Register to attend Dawg Daze (if applicable)

Week before classes start

Officer and advisor orientation 

Mid September 

Participate in Dawg Daze 

November 1st 

Annual plan and request for funding due (for AY22-23 - will be moved earlier in subsequent years)

Mid November to first week of December 

Individual meetings with RSOs to review annual plan, include department staff, faculty advisor and RSO leadership 

Winter Quarter 

  • Weekly meeting between faculty advisor and RSO leadership 


Quarterly check in between Department and each RSO

Spring Quarter 

  • Weekly meeting between faculty advisor and RSO leadership 

March to Mid April

Quarterly check in between Department and each RSO

Mid April 

Annual plan for upcoming year, including plans for transition and any summer activities 

Summer Quarter

  • Weekly meeting between faculty advisor and RSO leadership, where applicable

  • Late July/early August: Quarterly check in between Department and each RSO