RSO Responsibilities

RSO Responsibilities

A&A affiliated RSOs agree to the following in order to receive support from the Department.

  • Each participating member registers for AA 299 each quarter

  • Field trip forms are completed in a timely manner

    • CPR must be required for a department-affiliated RSO to do field work

  • Necessary SOPs are reviewed and approved, including those for field trips

  • If the RSO plans to conduct activity involving minors (outreach events, etc), the group will work the faculty advisor to meet the requirement for working with youth

  • If the RSO receives funding from the department, approved safety documents must be completed and necessary training completed by members of the group. This includes training for working with minors if they're going to be doing that kind of outreach

  • For those RSOs who conduct design activities, there must be documentation of test readiness reviews by team doing the test by appropriate individuals (not peers)

  • Each RSO will conduct leadership transition and project continuation planning for projects year after year