Study Abroad

Study Abroad

What is studying abroad?

Typically when you are in class, viewpoints can be one-dimensional and don't vary too much.  Even when instructors bring in multiple viewpoints, there is no viewpoint greater then traveling to another country and experiencing the perspective of the people living in that culture.

How do I find study abroad opportunities?

The UW Study Abroad Office has a wealth of resources when you are looking for study abroad opportunities.  It's a great place to get started.  The UW College of Engineering also maintains a study abroad page that highlights specific programs that may be of interest to engineering students.

What type of study abroad opportunities are there?

When is the best time to complete a study abroad?

It is most common for students to complete a study abroad experience during the summer as there are no required courses during that time.  Sometimes it is possible to complete a study abroad during the regular academic year though.

Can I earn study abroad credit to use towards my degree?

Many students choose to complete a study abroad in order to fulfill their general education requirements (e.g., VLPA, I&S, and DIV credits).  Sometimes a study abroad course can count towards the A&A technical elective.  However, it is rare for a study abroad course to count towards an A&A core course.